Don't worry, gents, you haven't been left out of the proverbial tea party. Well... that is unless your last name happens to be Scozzafava. (See, even in a post about dresses made of dishes can I get a political zinger in there! *high fives myself a year ago when that story was actually relevant*)
Why not slip one of these on for your next business meeting? Audition? High tea at the Ritz? Day at the ball park?
Some of my favorite comments on the post:
Shout out to my friends at PB 757 and 385!!
Wah wah
With all this talk of broken dishes I can't help but think about the stepping stones my mother has been making for years for her garden out of just the same thing. Following is a tour of an artists work, divided into her artistic influences:
Trump l'oeil
Portrait of the artist and...
her assistant, as seen from above surveying their work
*Don't worry, I hated myself when I wrote it, you can hate me for reading it
** Yup, did it again
Artist: Jon and Al Kaplan / Album: Silence!-The Musical
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