Thursday, June 30, 2011

Beer Drinkers & Hell Raisers


Typically the Brahms concert is the last performance in each town but in Minden it was the orchestra concert that was the final event.  Instead of being held in the Dom it was located in the same church where the quintet performed the previous Sunday and where our host father is the priest.

2011-06-27 21.53.41

Sabrina and I are thinking about starting up a second hand flower shop with all the lovely bouquets we have been getting for the performances!


Another amazing reception was held afterwards, but the real party occurred afterwards.  Our house crew took the opportunity to explore Minden’s night life and grab a couple of drinks out of uniform and (most importantly) away from the KINDERN!  We also did this on our first night but had to behave during the interim in order to stay  in “performance mode,” which will explain the change in attire between some of the pictures.  Y’all know how much I love a good costume change but I’m not crazy enough to change in-between bars.

First night:

2011-06-24 21.21.30

Here comes troooouuuubllleeeee! (Adam, Mahogany, Mark, Eric, Brian, Sabrina)


2011-06-24 21.49.38

Mahogany, Brian, Sabrinta


2011-06-24 22.36.29

It’s okay because Sabrina’s husband is also named Eric.  That’s how it works, right?


Last night:

2011-06-27 23.58.08

With a special guest appearance from Zack!


Even though Sabrina and I decided to go out we still had to call it an earlier night than those crazy orchestra kids under the guise of being responsible but mostly because we were dead tired.  The stars were out in all their glory that night and on our way home we decided to lay down in front of the church tower and stare up at them for a while.  Even though I knew it would turn out horribly I still took a picture…

2011-06-28 01.16.50

… sadly you can only see one of them


It was such a wonderful change of pace to be housed with members of the orchestra for once and our host family was a duh-ream!  Here’s one final parting shot from “the entertainment group!”


Front: Adam, Eric, Brian, Mahogany, Mark.   Back: Sabrina and Joseph!


Artist: ZZ Top/ Album: Tres Hombres

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