It’s not often that I genuinely ask people to donate money for causes; the only other time I can remember is when Keliy Anderson-Staley was raising funds on Kickstarter for her Imagined Family Heirlooms project which, by the way, far surpassed its goal! I know some of you donated and I thank you!!
At any rate, I’m back on the street corner lookin’ for more handouts … not for myself, mind you, but once again for a good cause! My friends, Jamie (she of the bestfriendedness as well as the creator of the infamous Chrimmuhtreehead) and Abby will be going next month to do some work with the Amani Education Project in Kenya and want to help do a little extra something special for the children of the school in the Maweni Village.

Per Jamie and Abby:
As some of you may recall, in Fall of 2007, Abby ventured across the sea and landed in Kenya. Living there for 3 months and working at Amani School truly changed the entire course of her life. Next month, we're both going, granted for a much shorter amount of time, and we'd love to do a little something special for the kiddos while we're there.
Haller Park is a wildlife refuge not far (by our standards) from the village that the children live in. However, the majority of the children in the village have never been on any trip or any kind, much less a fun one where they might get to meet a famous hippo and tortoise pair. In addition to seeing fun animals and their first field trip, we'll also make sure they get a healthy lunch. However, we realize we can't do it alone.
If all of our friends and family included in this email were to donate, you would each only need to give roughly $3.91 to take these adorable kids on the journey of their lifetime. Though, we realize that not everyone will donate, so your generosity is really appreciated. Plus, any extra funds not used for this field trip will be donated directly to the school.
For more information on the Amani Education Project click here, and please follow this link in order to donate!! You may need to create a Paypal username and password in order to donate. Don't fret, creating login details is free, as is general membership with PayPal. Upon donating, you'll receive a confirmation number, an email with donation details and a link to print your own receipt.
Thanks in advance!!!
Artist: David Sedaris/ Album: Me Talk Pretty One Day (yeah, yeah, it’s an audiobook but I’ve already set a precedent… PLUS, Jamie went with me to a David Sedaris book signing, so it’s doubly appropriate)