I have mentioned before that I tend to shy away from birthday posts for friends and family… mostly because it sets a precedent and I don’t want anyone getting upset that I didn’t do one for them on their birthday. There are rare exceptions, however, and they always come about rather circuitously. So, behold the rube goldberg machine that is my mind:
Monday would have been Freddie Mercury’s 65th birthday and Google celebrated with an animated homepage doodle yesterday (putting it off a day because Monday was Labor Day). Watching it inspired me to make a Queen playlist at the gallery while doing some cleaning and the song “Bicycle Race” came on which then immediately made me think of my friend Heather, whose birthday is, wait for it… … … TODAY! (The connection being that Heather and her husband, Bo, are avid fans of bikes). Still following?
First, I planned on putting up the music video for the song until I actually watched it and realized it might not be exactly blog appropriate. Nothing too scandalous, just nekked people riding bikes and all. I opted instead for just the audio so enjoy and HAPPY BIRTHDAY, HEATHER!!
Heather and I have been dear dear friends since high school and, along with the third part of our trio, Jamie, is basically the reason that I got through high school in Crockett. Her house was like my second home (she was literally right across the street) and I am happy to count her among the elite of my friends… and you know how elitists I can be! Also, she had a fan.tastic blog of her own called Lost in Drawers and I suggest you check it out.
So for a quick jaunt down memory lane here are a couple of pictures of us from her wedding a couple of years ago!
Artist: Queen/ Album: Greatest Hits I
Bonus!! For those interested, here is the animated Google doodle:
You are too too good and sweet..perfection