Yeah yeah… I get it, it’s been a while since I’ve posted. BUT, in the meantime I have found an apartment in Houston, started my job at the Pottery Barn Town and Country, had my first Sunday at my church job and even gone to an exhibit opening at an art gallery (more on that some other time).
Aaaaaaanyway, after I left Crockett I had the great pleasure of staying with my lovely lovely friend Mallory in The Woodlands, whom you might remember from her
guest post while I was away in Europe this summer. She, her husband Matt and their buh-dorable daughter Paige were kind enough to play host to me while I looked for a place to live in the city. I gotta stress the “kind enough” portion of that last sentence because the day before I got there they were having a new roof put on and a huge storm came up and caused quite a bit of water damage to their ceilings. Basically half of the upstairs and downstairs were cut off to workers for about 4 days.

“Why can’t I go into my play room!?!?!?!?”
Because of the water damage the workers had to repaint some of the walls, and Mallory decided a new paint color was in order and we spent one night painting the other walls that hadn’t been damaged.

In addition to the water damage, the delayed time for the roof to be fixed allowed a group of wasps decided to make their home in the attic, which Matt found later while putting something away. Matt and I jumped into action with a can of wasp spray and had a great little extermination system going. Unfortunately I didn't run and grab my camera (oh, don’t think it didn’t cross my mind) so I have taken a still shot from a
Doctor Who episode as an appropriate likeness of the hunt:
And now for some obligatory cute pictures of Lady Paige!

Helping apartment hunt in the city!
In her pink shoes because, as Mallory said, it was probably the last day that her feet would fit into them. They had small wooden heels and you could hear her clip-clopping along throughout the house all morning!